Monday, January 8, 2007


i am adding music to my itunes on my new laptop.....a laptop that i probably shouldn't have bought, went into debt for, or finance, whichever sounds less poor.
i should be working on my own stuff, after spending all day working on someone else's. i have found it harder and harder to find me motivation. i look for it, but it hides from me every day in dark corners where there is no light and i can't see it.
i miss home....was just there for two glorious california weeks! my mom told me that she heard a new report about how "homesickness" is now being defined as an actual sickness. i believe that. i've been here in a wonderful city for almost three years (yikes!) and yet when i think about moving back to cali i don't blink or get sad about leaving chicago. i'll miss this place and everything it contains, but my life and my future are back at home. it's hard for me to start my life and my career here when i am just so homesick. damn.
oh well!
i'll channel my younger self and tell myself to enjoy every day i have and to try and make the most of it and just be happy for cryin' out loud:)
easier, and yet not that hard, as it sounds. did that make sense?
i "blog" because my hands hurt when i use a pen. how sad is that?
i am beginning to see that my love and my profession will not meld well with my health. my hands are already hurting me, and i've not even started my own thang yet!
i am listening to david grey right now.....beautiful voice, and good for me 'cause it's one of the few melodic people i can listen to without getting all melancholy. hmmmmm.........
we'll see if i stick with this. it's kinda neat-o.
i'm off now to possible go to bed, but to more than likely watch hgtv and stay up way too late.